"Heroes come in all types and sizes"
Every three seconds, a person in the country dies due to lack of blood. Every year, our nation requires about 4 crore units of blood, but only 40 lakh units are available.
Gift a Pint is an initiative to attempt to bridge this vital gap. Along with organizing blood drives through the year, the project also aims to raise awareness among people about the need for blood that exists and the role that individuals can play in saving lives by becoming blood donors.
The project also includes a Blood Network, active throughout the year to help patients who require blood in their current need. Whenever there is a requirement for blood, all members of the network of the required blood group are contacted and encouraged to come forward and help.
Join the network today by filling the form below.
How it works - When there is a requirement for blood of your blood group, we will contact you via SMS. If you are available to donate, you can reply to the SMS and we will help the patient get in touch with you.