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The Beautiful Ones

Reaching out to children at Little More Love
“You can’t stand in your corner of the forest, waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Winnie the Pooh
The Beautiful Ones is an initiative to reach out to orphanages, old age homes, hospitals and the poor in our cities to love, teach and engage in fellowship with individuals and organizations that may be in need.

Organizing music or art activities at orphanages, performing humble acts of service like cleaning and washing at old age homes or gardening at schools are few of the ways in which we carry out this project, being a gentle reminder to people that we’re here to help them in any way that we can.

What we aim for, through this project, is to see people come together to work towards the little things, and to realize that we can accomplish so much together; that we can build and strengthen communities.

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