“Throw kindness like confetti.” -Bob Goff
As part of The Beautiful Ones project, every month we embark on a mission to spread smiles around the city. For the last few months, it’s been all about the children. And trust us, there’s nothing quite as infectiously joyous as a room full of children’s laughter!

In June, our mission took us to Lions Hope Home. We started the day watching a wholesome short-film about kindness. We continued with the theme of kindness by indulging the kids in an interactive art session. With bottles of paint, colourful papers and loving hands, the little ones let their creative juices run wild! As always, sing-alongs and fun games made the day just that much more special.

July brought us to Shishu Mandir, where we spent the day diving into children’s books. It’s so easy to forget how fun reading can be – not just enjoyable, but truly fun and imaginative! Can you tell from our animated expressions? We also put on our teacher hats and did a bunch of worksheets that foster a fun learning experience.

It’s easy to forget this, but children are great reminders of the fact that sometimes, ever-so-often, messy is fun! It’s okay to dunk our hands in paint, or jump into that puddle. If getting creative filling your heart to the brim sounds like your kind of weekend, join our kindness project at Little More Love! We hope to see you next time on our great little adventures.
“The greatest things in life – truth, creativity, imagination, love, kindness, compassion – are already inside us, and they’re all free.”