“Do everything with gentleness, with kindness, with reverence. That is how Grace moves; that is how Love dances.” —Heather K. O’Hara
Jam-packed with all things love – the last two months have been busy for LML, and we’re so glad! In October, we visited Little Sisters of the Poor – an old-age home in the heart of the city. What was special about this visit you ask? We played board games for a good cause! Yup, you read that right. We set up a stall in the open grounds of the home and invited all folks, the young and the young-at-heart, to join us in raising money for the residents. The 90s kids loved the nostalgia-hit from marble solitaire! Let’s just say we put the “fun” in “fund-raising”.

November was all about fostering kindness through music. We started November with a visit to Nireekshana, a school for the differently-abled. Every time we visit, we’re taken aback by the overwhelming, palpable positivity in the room. All that matters in those moments is spreading smiles and bridging connections – and what a privilege it is for us to experience that kind of love!

Closing the month with more musical magic, we volunteered for the Shine for Jeevarathni concert. As kids from a variety of choirs sang their hearts out, our job was to ensure the act was a seamless experience for the lovely audience. We ushered the crowds, manned the stage and handed out snacks.

Reliable, quiet and efficient is what Jeevarathni calls the Little More Love army. If you’re feeling compelled to serve, volunteer positions are always open at LML. Come and join the fun brigade!
“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try” —John F Kennedy