“Children see magic because they look for it.” – Christopher Moore
We were excited to kick-start the year with our friends at Lions Hope Home in January. The children unleashed their creativity during the art mosaic, making us wish we had more creative bones. After the art mosaic, a few rounds of dodgeball and tic tac toe changed the atmosphere with each team hollering strategies to their teammates and cheering their team on. We ended with singing our favorite songs and doing the actions to them. We were sad to leave but couldn’t complain as our hearts were full of love and laughter.

In March, we got another opportunity to spend time with the children at Shishu Mandir. We look forward to these visits as it allows us to enter the magical world of stories. Being surrounded by their imagination sparks ours as we read to them and hear their fictional and true stories. Whether it’s ghost stories, stories about kings and kingdoms, or those about magical lands, we get to help them read and they revive our curiosity, imagination, and wonder.

March was exciting because, in addition to our time at Shishu Mandir, we visited our beautiful ones at Hope Lions Home. This visit was special because we got to make bookmarks and do a craft activity with the kids. It was such a joy for all of us to sit together and share ideas and art supplies. We even learnt a thing or two about trending anime and their characters. We could not leave without games and music, and when we finally left, we carried back with us, a big refill of joy.

“We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.” – Harry Edwards