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Baking the World a Better Place with The Sugar Therapy

December 1, 2016

“Find something that makes you happy and use it to make others happy”

20th August! Whatte day!


We had a marvelous time with Sugar Therapy organizing a baking class for our favorite kids at The Jeevarathni Foundation.


Kids+ Cupcakes+ A Whole lot of love = A formula that can never go wrong


Those chocolates cupcakes you’re (okay, us) drooling over?

They are super easy to whip up in just a few moments and that nugget of wisdom and so much more were taught by Diya Jojan, a genius in all things baking. The kids loved learning the step by step process in how to bake their favorite indulgent treats and eagerly waited to tuck into their hard work.


Of course baking is not all that we did….. from games, singing and dancing till our knees could wobble no more  and being beaten at handstands over and over again, these children truly know how to teach us a thing or two.


We’ve always been amazed by the energy levels and spunk of these precious ones and today was no different. A bunch of more cheerful, fun loving, joy giving souls will be hard to find and it’s always such a pure delight to be around to cheer for them.


They overwhelm us with how well they love and they give us a new sort of hope in the human heart. Thanks to the amazing steadfast care given to them by this foundation, they are such troopers and has made every moment with them immeasurably more valuable.

We are extremely grateful to Diya Jojan for being a part of this day and for teaching us how to make those delicious goodies.


Thanking God for this day, for mouthwatering goodies and amazing kids who teach more about how to love and celebrate people than anyone else we’ve met.


“ The secret ingredient is always love”

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