“Our whole lives revolve around systems that expect our service and give us something tangible in return but it really is the intangibles that tug the strings of our heart.”
In March, we asked our expert fur friends to break it down for us.

Richie, Debbie, Rover & about 100 canine friends live together just off Sarjapur road, Bangalore in a home called Maruthi Dog Shelter.
The shelter provides a safe and clean haven with nutritious food for dogs that cannot fend for themselves on the streets.
We collaborated with Fluffy Nut to bathe the dogs at this shelter and all of us loved every moment of it.

For someone who is scared of dogs, here’s what Roselle Rego took back
Today was absolutely amazing! Loved every part of it!
And I hope we keep going there and helping them out, thank you for making this happen. It was a crazy experience considering I’m a bit scared of dogs but I came out of there without a scratch and only more motivation to adopt one someday. Also they’re all so wounded but live life like there’s absolutely nothing wrong and fight for it till their very last breath.

You will see blind dogs, partially crippled dogs, motherless puppies, dogs with skin problems, abandoned pets, dogs with behavioral issues, all of them find their permanent place in this family.
Ages of resident dogs range at any given point, between a few months and seventeen years. Not one person went home without all sorts of warm feelings in their heart.

Today was amazing, even though I’m tanned and exhausted I feel like we’ve really made a difference, today I felt like how I usually feel after we help out at Shishu Bhavan because we put in so much effort and it was super productive.
Ramola Esther
This was service consisting of pure interaction and zero words, the kind of interaction that will humble you and raise you up at the exact same time.

I’ve always have had a very strong connection with animals, they never have expectations and always value your time more than any materialistic things you bring them. I find it easier to work with animals than people, because your every show of affection is taken at the true value. With people you need to be politically correct, use words carefully, they may even see some signs to be offensive even when you don’t mean to be. Animals are like babies, pure.
Shamanath Manakame
If you cannot bring anything more than yourselves to this shelter, remember you must never stress because doggos understand that it’s hard to wrap a hug.
A shoutout to Aditi and her team that run the shelter, for everything they do.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.