“Give blood, give life“
Each year, thousands of people rely on receiving donated blood to stay alive. There is a critical need for more people to become lifesavers by donating blood regularly. We, at Little More Love, believe that donating blood is a simple yet a powerful action towards transforming and saving lives.

Gift a Pint 2019 was organised at Sampurna Montfort College, Old Madras Road, Indiranagar, Bengaluru on 23rd April 2019 and the turnout was great. Putting aside their fears and misconceptions, people turned up and over 39 units of blood were donated.

Blood transfusion contributes to saving millions of lives each year and improving the life expectancy and quality of life of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions. Individuals who donate their blood provide a unique and precious gift in an act of human solidarity.
Volunteering for a blood drive opened my eyes to the importance of blood donations for our community. While the need for blood is great, the reality is that only a small proportion of the Indian population donates blood. Hospitals rely on volunteer donors to give blood year-round, so when donations drop, blood shortages are at dangers of occurring. Knowing the great impact that a single blood donation can have motivates me to continually volunteer for blood drives.
Vineta, LML member

We thank all those who donated blood. Your valued donation is a vital contribution to our community, and we sincerely hope that you have found it a worthwhile experience.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.