Coloring and Games at the Cancer Hospital – August 2017
” People need you. Be Brave” On August 20th, 2017, we organized games, music and sketching activities for
” People need you. Be Brave” On August 20th, 2017, we organized games, music and sketching activities for
“Love comes down to actions, not words” Over the past couple of months, we have
“And then I realized that to be more alive I had to less afraid, so
“Love, when you allow yourself to get close enough to it, will not resemble fear”
“Keep stepping out in the word and giving it everything you have” On 8th July
Over the past couple of months, we have tried to kickstart project Lifeline, as an
“Be the love that you preach, teach and seek” The General hospital in Kochi is
“Stand up. Take chances. Love deeply” This June 2017, Little More Love gathered together to make
“The sweetest growth is when we grow in love” We are six months in of
“Fear has an expiration date. Love is untameable” On 7th May 2017, we had the